In every clan, tribe, religious denomination, factions form gangs, clubs, fraternities to sororities, elite families and political variations there are platinum class paradise-hearted people who have an innate sense for uniting to bring this world out of the dark era of forcing people to work to access basic necessities and even limit their access according to a wage and monetary system.
Humanity remains mentally paralyzed in the grip of lies such as once having indulged in the use of a barter system. Bartering was an invading act among indigenous populations by those cursed with an emotional disease that resulted in feeding a fetish for causing others to rely on them until they experienced an addictive sensation of elevated power. The power to cause others to struggle or suffer through deprivation of necessities seems to satisfy the nature of the disease.
There are many who since childhood know we are living wrong and unnaturally as they witness the attitudes regarding success, the world’s use of money as a medium for exchanging things and how people are economically unfortunate.
Every person who gets on the email list happens to serve as a reflection of the recovery that is in place for the insanity that we have slipped into as the human species. We are only looking to account for ourselves, make room to assist one another (not barter with one another) and to share with one another our professional services, acquired materials, the qualities of life and the best of everything else.
The world will not change overnight. After searching your heart to determine that you favor the ways of paradise, get on the email list and join us in our mission to find that we are at least 8 million strong.
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