A code word will be established which will be your calling card; something similar to the use of a hashtag. You will be able to click on the hashtag and see the history of the proposals that have been presented for placing services and materials in our communities. PRESERVING LEGITIMATE PROPOSALS UNDER OUR CALLING CARD

We will use a variety of black owned legal firms (gatekeepers) who will manage escrow accounts and follow protocols for distributing paychecks to professionals and covering other costs for the professionals to do their job. These attorneys will create a website where they will list the history of legitimate proposals. (The BlackTax Agency will echo these listings until it is no longer possible)


Our gatekeepers will also be able to confirm changes in proposal formats. Proposal formats will provide a list of information regarding the function, the expenses expectations and appropriate orientation dealing with the materials that we want in our community or the services we prefer to have in our community. If we are pleased with the proposal then we individually send money to the gatekeepers for any specific proposal. Once any of us are familiar with the proposal format, we can present the information by video presented on youtube along with the appropriate calling card. Professionals can then start presenting proposals themselves and wait to see if an account has been set up to assist them in bringing quality services or material management to our community.


Three difference amounts of salary have been established for uniformity. $40k, $72k and $120KYou will be a vendor who works for a collective.

You can be paid weekly, but getting paid will depend on completing a labor schedule where the following must be fulfilled:
a) 4 hour work day. (minimum)
b) 3 day work week. (minimum)
c) Expense sheet and work report sent to gatekeepers.

In order for checks to be released, a detailed report must be turned in.


I am presenting information that only you should have as a member of the 8 million people collective, which those who are not on the email list can see – because the growth of our email list is extremely slow. It appears that the mass majority of you are looking for structure.

The BlackTax Agency is offering you two things:
#1. An Idea
#2. Facilitation

If you like the idea, we merely would like to facilitate your access to professional services and well needed materials. This means we want to be one of the ones you call to see if there is a specific service, equipment or material available that you can access immediately without having to lease it or pay for it. And if it’s available, we want to be the vendors or assist the vendors who will get the service or materials to you.

As the founder Zee Anu Ubuntu Malachi, I am not interested in being a leader, a saviour of his people, nor am I interested in running for any political seats. I am super excited about the idea of taxing ourselves so that we can find a new confidence in our walk through disenfranchisement-laced economy. The structure behind how we make this move should be private. I only share it here because of the distrustful ideas we entertain of one another that keeps us from coming together. There are still things you will not learn about until you get on the email list such as how we can resume funding our own even if our bank accounts get shut down.

If it makes sense for us to come together for this project or purpose, then please do not hesitate to get on the email list.

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  1. Greetings Family, I’m very excited hearing about this opportunity and would love to be able to help out with this project and to have our own. We have experiences with our own naturalization and our lives are very much in jeopardy. Thank you for your time and concern for the future.

    • Thank you. I most certainly appreciate your interest. I am available to you if you have any question. Meanwhile, let’s see what we can do to help more people become aware and see if we can assemble 8 million people deep sometime soon.

      Fill out this form to get on the email list

      Or go to the menu called, “The Email List” to review and fill out the form.

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