We are trying to wake up eight million people and we need your help. The truth about enslavement is presented with clarity in the attached note. Everyone on the planet is a slave. The use of money makes things even worse because people then become addicted to the pacification that money delivers to individuals on a slave planet. These people are less motivated to be free and this nearly includes everyone.
Beware of people who think they are offering you constructive criticism and encouraging you to establish some accountability for yourself and business when the only thing they know are the schemes and respected administrations of a drunk-on-power slave-master. How much sense does it make to allow a slave-master to tell us how to trust one another? There is only one reason not to trust one another; and that is if all we do is listen and stay loyal to the slave-master. What do you have as proof that you are at least in a position to contribute as a collective to make sure that people will have access to free services and assets around the world; starting with the black community in the USA first?
We have no choice but to do what we have to do to earn a living and be successful in a capitalistic world, but we also have an opportunity to be free of forced labor and attach ourselves to ambitions to have the highest quality in all things we will experience in life.