The BlackTax Agency is for eight million of us to function as a collective covering the cost to position ourselves for autonomy. The policy of the agency is to SHARE assets by facilitating access to resources for the black community.
I started the BlackTax Agency in 2017 and we’re manifesting an email list of eight million people so we can collectively cover the cost to put free services and assets in the black community.
Our work-for-hire method is an artificial contribution to the financial wellbeing of our vendors. To serve the vendors and clients alike, our goal is to extract the routines from the positions that our vendors hold. Extracting the routines simply means that we all know what we have. This knowledge will help us remain economically stable without the use of money when we keep the routines alive. SO – BE READY TO WORK FOR FREE
1. People get on the email list. Emails go out once we have a million-people-collective.
2. The emails highlight who we found to provide a particular service, the expenses to cover the person or people for however many years.
3. Those who received the email then decide if they will send a dollar or two to set it in motion. (We all put in only a dollar or two when we choose which proposals we will support)
My heart, mind and soul is excited about this because as a collective we can hire our own to retain positions such as farmland and food distribution, managing electrical distribution facilities and the building of residential neighborhoods, all in the name of securing autonomy for ourselves. I’m not trying to be rich, I’m trying to be free. We have all the money we need to have as a collective and our continual access to money under this monetary system presents one of our most powerful solutions.
This is our ace in the hole. Spending money as a collective to not only remove the cost associated with rainy days and unexpected expenses, but to also cover the cost to position ourselves for being able to build and sustain a Dubai of our own. When we have our own, we will not have to pay for basic necessities. I hope that you will join our email list and get ready to hire our own engineers, doctors, construction crews and anyone or anything else that can put us in the position to be autonomous.
To get on the email list, simply fill out the form attached to this link: