WE NEED TO COME TOGETHER <—– Look at these words.
Now prepare to do two things:
1. Start an email list and place those on it who would love to hear what you or others have to say in the interest of as many of us coming together as possible.
2. Anyone who states we should come together, encourage them to start an email list and add you.
Is for millions of us to end up on the email list of those who propose to the black community an offer we can not refuse.
This is for those that believe power is in unity and that we must come together. We will affiliate ourselves with one another (by exchanging email addresses) to establish a virtual grid so large that we find any of our own visionaries, revolutionaries or advocates for solutions wherever they are, so that we can share their ideas with an opportunity for us to also get on their email list.
If we choose to NETWORK on the strength of unity, we will establish an email list and exchange email addresses with the idea of sharing any solution oriented type of information that we come across designed to uplift the black community.
1. Title all outgoing emails with “Unity Network Affiliation” WHEN YOU ARE SHARING INFORMTION ABOUT OTHERS. If you are addressing your own solutions, then title the email as you see fit.
2. Do not reply to emails you have received unless they have come from the authors of solutions themselves. Reach out to the authors of solutions only, to present any inquiries.
3. If you have solutions to offer, be sure to have a google doc form for people to fill out and leave with you their email address. Have a short link for this form ready to give out. When we tell others that are on our email list about you, we will provide them with this link.
So my question to you is, can I network with you on the strength of unity in the black community? I have a solution to offer.
Fill out this form to get on the email list:
YOU: Can we network on the strength of unity in the black community?
YOUR ASSOCIATE: Yes, but how?
YOU: We exchange email addresses and let each other know when we hear about solutions designed to uplift the black community.
YOUR ASSOCIATE: Oh Okay, how often will we meet up?
YOU: We network by exchanging information by email as we share who we’ve come across with solutions for uplifting the black community. If those with solutions offer us events with meet and greet opportunities where we will receive more information, then we can choose to meet with them.
YOUR ASSOCIATE: Okay, Great! Sounds like a plan. Let’s do it.
YOU: Awesome! The first thing I email you will be about the reintroducing of this type of network. It’s presented by a person who has a nice solution and the google doc form for you to fill out to get on their email list has some information their too. [Share the “Affiliate” post from this website and the google doc link]