First Things First

We’re all under the gun; so to speak.We have a virtual cannon point at our heads and it’s an economic THREAT to deprive us of our access to basic necessities unless we have MONEY.  So now we are forced to go to work whether we so called, “Work For Ourselves” or “Work For Someone Else.” FORCED LABOR is slavery and it’s an ancient malevolent art for controlling a population of people. TRAPPED BY A THREATSince “Helping Yourself First” translates into… Continue reading


Our more witty brothas and sistas are now explaining to us how according to US Code basic necessities are free to consumers, but since we don’t know the law, the stores in society are double dippin’. Now we are being told that we have to operate in a trust or as a church to access the benefits that we are not receiving due to the complicity of a government that is not steadfast or tenacious in honoring ways to make… Continue reading


WE NEED TO COME TOGETHER  <—– Look at these words.Now prepare to do two things:1. Start an email list and place those on it who would love to hear what you or others have to say in the interest of as many of us coming together as possible.  2. Anyone who states we should come together, encourage them to start an email list and add you. THE GOALIs for millions of us to end up on the email list of… Continue reading


If you want to know what happened to you from a position where the scope of the perspective being presented to you is all about you being FREE of a mind that is supposed to be yours but made to work against you; you should read a book called, “The Sovereign Psyche (Systems of Chattel Freedom vs. Self-Authentic Freedom) by Ezrah Aharown. Chattel freedom is when the value of a people is predicated upon the extent to which they serve… Continue reading


Many of us learn the lingo for stating solutions relating to the nubian community as well as organizing projects and establishing platforms that appear to implement the solutions that have been proposed, merely as an effort to keep from being judged as a person or people who aren’t doing anything. This is the reason why a single cooperative alignment known as “unity in the black community” does not exist; because thousands of us are actively covering our behinds from the… Continue reading


Recently I have been busy with the idea that people who claim interest in freedom, ujamaa, self reliance and unity in the black community were mostly stricken with severe hypocrisy. Now I am coming into the realization that these people never really possessed the capability to FOCUS on acquiring these things.  This is what happens when we underestimate the DISTRACTIONS in our lives that cause us to SPEND ENERGY on “Closing The Wealth Gap,” “Getting Rich,” “Share-Profit Cooperatives,” “Black Owned Banks… Continue reading


Sabaeans, Israelites, ADOS, Evangelists, black business owners, spiritualists, healers, African leaders and black American leaders, Moors and those in the black community seeking to have their own government, all our fraternities and sororities, my mother, my brother, my sister and the rest of my family and anyone else who has been presented with the BlackTax Agency’s proposal; this message is for you. The reason you’re not on the email list after hearing about it, is because you are a liar and… Continue reading


The BlackTax Agency’s name is composed from the idea of the Black community taxing itself; essentially becoming its own funding force. The founder’s preference is for an 8 million people funding force. The convention for collective spending advocates that each person selects which service, product or economic position we hold by contributing two dollars towards it.  The principal engagements consist of 3 things:1. Professional Services.2. Quality Products.3. Basic Necessity Resources Connection From The Ground Up (Economic Positions). Alongside the interest for… Continue reading


Humanity is not making CHOICES for itself right now. Those who are awoken and CAN “Think” are handcuffed or subject to the ball and chain that is established as a binding agent through the lives that perpetuate ignorant living. Read the above again and digest the truth that I can not save you or free you from the current ruling control of the malevolent ones. You will have to do this yourself! Mixing things together for a purpose is how… Continue reading

98% Off Discount

No matter how simple you present the BlackTax Agency’s proposal, far too many people will puke up the thoughts of distrust, cynicism and doubt; instead of perceiving an opportunity to demonstrate vigilance in the effort to acquire some economic justice among a black community that is supposed to be docile regarding such concerns. Conformed and docile folk will never be ready to come together and be a part of this when they first hear it. So we rely on those… Continue reading