NATURAL FORCE – When you are hungry, you think about getting something to eat. When you are uncomfortable, you think about how to get comfortable and how to stay there. The threat of deprivation due to the lack of work responsible for stability and quality in our lives, is a natural process through experience or conception that serves as a force motivating us to contribute to a paradise of our own. UNNATURAL MALEVOLENT FORCE – When people organize to interfere… Continue reading


The BlackTax Agency is for eight million of us to function as a collective covering the cost to position ourselves for autonomy. The policy of the agency is to SHARE assets by facilitating access to resources for the black community. I started the BlackTax Agency in 2017 and we’re manifesting an email list of eight million people so we can collectively cover the cost to put free services and assets in the black community. Our work-for-hire method is an artificial… Continue reading


Are you not tired of this nonsense about hiring our own just to be giving us jobs? For the past 70 years now the black community has been talking about how they have been disenfranchised and discriminated against. As a result, the most common solution presented has been to give black people a job, or purchase black, hire black and deposit in black banks. This solution became so popular that the government presented AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. We don’t need money or… Continue reading


I am always trying to figure out better ways to tell you how we can truly empower ourselves. I’m talking about absolute freedom, autonomy. Most people have no idea that we are specifically enslaved by being made to remain in need of paid work. The world has been structured so that we can not have access to most things without the use of money. Business is designed to be clandestine in the network of unaffiliated efforts to acquire resources and… Continue reading


WAKE US UP I write songs for the same reason I create content that addresses the REAL PROBLEMS and the REAL SOLUTIONS; I want someone to wake us up from this nightmare of global enslavement. The only reason life is not all bad is because the method of appeasing us and pacifying us is full and plenty; and it keeps us from spending time to see as clear as we possibly can. KaBoom Promotions · Wake Us Up   I… Continue reading


The more I speak with people, the more I realize they have no clue about the foundation of things in our lives that we all have in common. Even when I point it out, they agree and acknowledge out of having been familiar with things that have logic, but they are still unable to perceive the injustice of it all. Take a look for yourself and tell me how familiar you are with this information. Does it make sense? What… Continue reading


The lack of patience can cause people to either exploit or enslave others. Ambition can become a venomous attribute when we deprive a people’s access to resources in our eagerness to coax work out of them in the name of expansion and evolution. This is why we use money! Those who were more zealous for a fast and advanced world took control of a people’s access to resources. Although it first appears that these people are apprehensive of not having… Continue reading


When is the last time you have had time to contemplate what your purpose is? Do your ambitions and responsibilities match up to your ultimate goals? Or are they all tasks that have merely supplanted an original indigenous style of life that you may have never heard of? I wrote and designed this post to assist you in your determination. Perhaps for a long time some of you have felt that your purpose is to become rich or wealthy. Maybe… Continue reading