There are many instances for how bartering finds its way among humanity. Every moment where bartering enters the scene, it does it through a violation or malevolent purpose.
Humanity is naturally driven to carry out a purpose. Each individual will discover things they are good at doing or at least find fulfillment in doing certain things. There are those who will love working alone and others who love working together. It is not natural to work along the side of your offender. It is also unnatural to deny the skills and assistance that an offender has to offer.
Emotional development is an advanced trait among people who make an effort to refrain from committing offenses of any type. This helps establish morale and organization which will be needed to preserve STABILITY among a group of people. Once we are confident in being able to live every year of our lives without suffering through instabilities, the foundation of our culture has been established. The extension of our culture is now able to take place where we explore things that assist how we evolve scientifically, technologically, mentally and spiritually.
Humanity’s most significant attribute on a scale used to determine natural progressions, is to work together for self-preservation. This means that we are always destined to provide ourselves with everything we need. Accessing the things we need via a form of exchange is something that violates the work of our ancestors who were emotionally developed enough to embed social structures where anyone could acquire what they need without having to make an exchange.
Familyhood in the setting of a community is made up of a variety of people from different places. They account for a population; providing stability for anyone near and far. By general application; basic necessities are ready and available at all times. Feel free to regard this as paradise. If you commit an offence worthy of being expelled from any particular abode, by the law of paradise you will still have access to anything you need. The offender is left to either live alone or start a community of their own. Until the offender has found a way to change themselves by eradicating what is causing them to offend others, they can not make contact with the abode of people who have contact with the person they offended.
One of the ways bartering has made its way into a healthy residence of paradise, is by offenders violating this agreement by offering something in exchange for something, in hopes of proving they have changed.
If you would like to be a part of a family that is naturally inclined to assist one another, then you can get on the email list where we are assembling with others who share this mindset.