Many of us learn the lingo for stating solutions relating to the nubian community as well as organizing projects and establishing platforms that appear to implement the solutions that have been proposed, merely as an effort to keep from being judged as a person or people who aren’t doing anything. This is the reason why a single cooperative alignment known as “unity in the black community” does not exist; because thousands of us are actively covering our behinds from the embarrassment of being seen as a hypocrite. Too many of us are haunted enough by the threat of being tagged under hypocrisy that we end up enacting vague and illogical presented ideas as solutions out of the desperation to be taken seriously.
Why do you want to be taken seriously if you do not know how to build? What is our purpose for building if the motivation for building:
1. is based on controlling others instead of preventing others from gaining control over our access to things we need?
2. isn’t based on permanently sustaining a state of stability, safety, advancement and abundance for a body of people who can provide it for all others?
When it comes to humanity, if every last one of us are not BUILDING to permanently sustain a state of stability, safety, advancement and abundance for a body of people who can provide it for all others, then there is a chance that the majority of us on the planet will never abandon our own possessed minds that are designed to perpetuate THE BUILDING of an entirely different world; currently out-building us.
Expressions of, “African-value-based” movements or “controlling the economics of our community” DO NOT say enough in terms of the act behind significant functions that lead back to self reliance.
Who is family in a family centered economic destination? It would have to be a people that share a mental alliance whether it does or does not exclude others by ethnicity or the complexion of their skin.
A family centered economic movement can simply be interested in Nubian folk working together to operate businesses where some of them can experience a monetary profit and benefit from access to the resources involved. Will that get you away from what can be called chattel freedom (being forced to use money)? To me this kind of family centered economic movement would be a waste of time and a distraction based on the pattern we are more likely to follow for paying those involved in the cooperative.
Until we have a rapid process for accessing the power that will give us a direct relationship with the resources or necessities of the planet; everything that we have access to will be wasted while our attachment to pacification (receiving food, water, shelter, clothing, medical assistance, money, etc.) is heightened. Without a funding force, there is no rapid route to such a position or situation.
In FOREX, trading on the value of the variations between the currencies of the world can quickly turn millions into billions. Pooling money together as a people doesn’t say enough unless you’re excluding everything that can set you back as an expense with an exception for two things:
(a) Broker commission fees.
(b) Taxes paid on profit unless you’re exempt.
In the world of the foreign exchange market, the purchase of money and the selling of money in a combination of pairs causes money to do all the work for increasing or decreasing its value. You can earn money by either purchasing a pair of currencies or selling a pair; your money multiplies without having to cover the expenses of operating a business that relies on support from the public to pay its employees and the cost of inventory.
You should become familiar with the solutions offered through The BlackTax Agency. We refuse to jump on the bandwagon of carrying out artificial solutions simply so that our rhetoric can be taken seriously. You should be worried about the ease in which you are liable to consume lies when the so-called Chinese, Japanese and Africans who are three of the largest population of people on the planet fail to serve as an example of what paradise can be like on planet earth.
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