Stop consenting and perpetuating the extremely unnatural state of using money. I know that this is easier said than done. We have now made available to ourselves a step by step exit of the monetary system through a transitioning period that will protect you economically as you position yourself for autonomy. I know that some of you would say, “that won’t stop racism or discrimination against us!” Hegemony is responsible for racism. You underestimate how much influence is exacted over you and would be embarrassed to learn that you have been possessed. After reviewing the content that I have made available with this post, you will know how to reverse this SPELL.
This particular note is exceedingly important. It is most certainly the kind of information that most people would never receive in their lifetime. You can see it, and you can hear it if you click on the links I have provided, but you still may not receive it. So prepare an attitude to receive! As you learn about Antonio Francesco Gramsci’s writings while he was imprisoned, his mental capabilities as a born-cripple are to be viewed with acuteness and expectation of a magnificent awakening.
Today’s cultural hegemony will have control over three things:
1. Intellectuals
2. Education
3. Philosophy
You see what happened when a man referred to as Dr. Sebi managed to avoid these three things. I knew I had to create an advocacy for this person. Dr. Sebi referred to the ability to render Cultural Hegemony ineffective as, exercising or using “ORIGINAL THOUGHT!” which certain people should be able to acquire after living in an alkaline state for some time.
Then you have another man who I met and had a few conversations with; Dr. Malachi Z York. My best friend and I are witnesses to the incredible brilliance of this person who once held my children in his hands (I still have the pictures) during an evening where we had extraordinary conversations. We could call him on the phone any time we wanted, which most student teachers could not do. He is now in a supermax prison facility.
Antonio Gramsci died in prison; Dr. Sebi died in prison. I am trying to break that trend by promoting that I will end my efforts to wake us up come 2022 and hope that it is good enough to keep something from happening to me before then. You guys will have to take the torch and carry it the rest of the way.
You need to develop REASONING skills. I am trying to share viewpoints that will serve as examples of that. Common sense is a hoax. Prepare your mind to snap out of it. I leave you with seven videos to review. I realize that this may be a bit much, but I believe as you take time to learn about what is happening with you, before you realize it, you will have completed watching all of the videos.
When you wake up, I am looking forward to your contacting me. Or perhaps you will urgently make way to the information that I have left here in this group regarding the smooth plan for getting free.
1. https://youtu.be/js8E6C3ZnJ0
2. https://youtu.be/RFQrV8UxpVA
3. https://youtu.be/-LI_2-qsovo
4. https://youtu.be/9H6fPhXiIuA
5. https://youtu.be/jpn_WvkR-0E
6. https://youtu.be/NOC5bhiUS_E
7. https://youtu.be/UtO34uc8UxM
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