What does it mean to lose faith? Not a loss of faith in God but a loss in faith of a population of people’s ability to sustain stability. It means that you shut down and won’t do anything unless something can be done for you. Soon you may organize with others who you see conducting themselves in a similar manner; and then you have an economic reconstruction where a true sense of slavery is born and so intense that a medium of exchange is formed around it.
Now in 2020 all we see is the zombie life. You will never hear my pleas to have faith and my claims that we are abundant. Because now we are stuck in our use of money.
The tyrant is a psychologically diseased person that has lost faith who just so happens to historically identify as Europeans. These people become crippled at the idea of being deprived and losing stability and dive into the zombie state far more vicious than black people. It is noted throughout history that black people consistently came among Europeans and brought stability, proved abundance and taught in the communities – this is the essential aspect of the Moors.
Today Moors are lost in their ability to perceive the kind of stability I speak of right now. They are lost in the world of zombies as they have taken over with a monetary system and the way of the Moor as Ubuntu is lost. And the ability to be abundant is lost to the monetary system. You can only get it back as a collective who is able to cast a different influence into society. We start by covering the cost to put free services and assets in our communities. Get your funding pool set up and let’s go!
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