Recently I have been busy with the idea that people who claim interest in freedom, ujamaa, self reliance and unity in the black community were mostly stricken with severe hypocrisy. Now I am coming into the realization that these people never really possessed the capability to FOCUS on acquiring these things. 

This is what happens when we underestimate the DISTRACTIONS in our lives that cause us to SPEND ENERGY on “Closing The Wealth Gap,” “Getting Rich,” “Share-Profit Cooperatives,” “Black Owned Banks & A Black Community’s Own Money,” 

We keep trying to attract one another under the cape of UNITY where each of our PROJECTS need funding, but we NEVER work together to establish THE FUNDING FORCE first! How much sense does this make to you?

Not a single project can exist without being funded, yet there are plenty of people who will regard your efforts to acquire funding as being a scam. Therefore, it is extremely evident that we as a people focus more on two things:
A) The PUSH-BACK that we will receive. 
B) Making MONEY as individuals or as COLLECTIVES.

These are the wrong things to be focused on.
We should be focused on getting away from the need to use money. To accomplish this, we have to have POSITIONS that honor a relationship with the resources of the earth. These positions are currently possessed by people who are EMPLOYED by companies or others who merely seek to perpetuate economic enslavement.

So the solution is for us to hire our own in order to gain the positions we need to rely on ourselves and avoid using money. First we have to establish what kind of “US” will be doing the hiring and for that I suggest we establish our very own funding force.

Is it possible that I can get you to focus on that part for a moment?

$2 From 8 Million People
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2. Food
3. Paradise/Environment
4. Peace
5. Love/Relationship
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7. Protection

Freedom, Stability
No One Can Want It For You; You Have To Want It For Yourself

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