~ Revenue Collection For Black Community
~ Covering the cost for placing free services and assets in the
black community.
Mission: To establish a Funding Collective
Goal: To establish a list of funding pool allies who do not mind being clear about giving back to the black community. Non-business owners can have funding pools and be a part of the funding collective.
Future Projects: Hiring, Assets Purchases (Assets Sharing System), Funding Phases
HIRING – Hiring people and paying them to provide a free service to the community.
ASSET PURCHASES – Equipment/Vehicles, etc. that can be checked out for use, without cost.
(Phase 1) Administrative effort to contact people directly for help in supporting slow growing funding pools.
(Phase 2) To have three panels “($1), ($5), and ($10)” where the funding pools that are featured amid them each week will have the opportunity to receive the according amount from a growing funding collective.
Answer two questions
1. How do you want to give back to the black community?
2. What would be the name of your funding pool?
*** Please explain #1
1. Your Cash App or PayPal me link (or both)
2. Your email address
We will design content featuring your funding pool for listing on our platforms.If you would like us to use your logo or images, simply send to us.
If you want to design your own content, it must be in the size of 636 x 596 and you need to attach our logo which will be sent to you as png file.