The lack of patience can cause people to either exploit or enslave others. Ambition can become a venomous attribute when we deprive a people’s access to resources in our eagerness to coax work out of them in the name of expansion and evolution.
This is why we use money! Those who were more zealous for a fast and advanced world took control of a people’s access to resources. Although it first appears that these people are apprehensive of not having access to enough resources themselves (a link in the chain of greed), this is not the case. The goal was to present a solution to the scarcity they created, which was ‘Only Those Who Work Will Have Access To The Resources That Are Available.’
Using Money – Keeps humanity in a utilizable state for the fervidly impatient people behind stimulating the world to produce and morph into a state of illustrious magnificence. Since the speed and urgency in which we embark upon this destination is simply unnecessary, it is merely another link within the chain of greed.
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