- We never needed to barter.
- Bartering was a violation of the natural law.
- Natural law asserts that a body of people function better via codependency to establish self preservation while on the plain of land that they have regular access to.
- Since bartering is not necessary; anything that serves to better-manage an exchange is a crime or an act that severs a body of people’s ability TO ASSIST ONE ANOTHER based on natural law.
To know what a CRIME is, it would help to know what LAW is. I will not distract you with etymology because it is worthless. An awoken mentality knows that any viewpoint that is coherent among a people carries a power of universal acceptance; this is where we will find a context that should be law. The laws of any region should always be known.
A broken law is regarded as an OFFENSE. Due to the universal preferences that are exercised by a people, an offense of any type or towards one individual is immediately an offense towards the community, the society or the state.
When we cover up offenses made on our behalf, it keeps us from being able to review, forgive and nurture for prevention. When this happens, it is regarded as an obstruction.
Indigenous people assisted one another and NETWORKED with other populated regions to stimulate the value of variety among themselves. An outsider looking in would think these people were exchanging things based out of necessity, without knowing that they were fulfilling an interest to establish having access to a variety of substances even if it didn’t come from their region.
The first law of a body of people is self preservation; not to DEPEND on others for NECESSITIES. Certain land types are not sufficient enough for a body of people to manage an autarky (self sufficient, Utopian community), but it may appear so due to the alliances or networking regions that have an interest in traveling through such lands – these can be referred to as STATIONS. Think of Dubia; a huge community in the desert. There were more than 5,000 different STATIONS back then that we would call paradise today. During these times, a paradise could be established and closed down in the next 15 years. We could build them anytime and anywhere we wanted to. The law among us then was that STATIONS were for TRAVELERS. When stations grew to receive an enormous population of people, the allied communities would stop distribution of supplies to set up a new station. By the time this happened, the station had stored supplies that accommodated services or experiences that made the station a major interest. There were enough people unwilling to leave the station to create an obstruction by refusing to release highly favored resources to other stations unless they were supplied with basic necessities. This is the first instance of bartering among indigenous people.
The elite became a group of people who believed in preserving paradise for themselves and held a focus on sustaining not only unique supplies but also relationships with unique creatures or beings that did not want to share presence among a population of people. (Check out John Carpenter’s movie, “THEY LIVE”)Together they found a way to benefit from bartering and remain as hidden as possible as the elite. A well known black family ‘at the time’ that would travel in a craft from the surface into the sky, advised everyone to put an end to bartering and nearly everyone took heed except the Europeans. They continued to plot and build a construct to sustain bartering and they came up with what is known today as the monetary system. They tell you that money is the medium of an exchange to facilitate a trade, but in truth it is the cover-up of a crime that took place among a people that we have been made to stay far from being able to recall.
So money is the adhesive of an obstruction from the result of a plan to seize man’s ability to make basic necessities ready and available to everyone; for the purpose of establishing a paradise among the elite.
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