That’s right, you have a whole new report card to be judged by when you’re all grown up. If you find yourself in the corporate world, it would take you years to see the corporation as a hundred foot giant individual that has the same needs that you have when it comes to land and its resources. What happens when the giant doesn’t want to share?
Not only does the giant ration out your access to the resources through a monetary system (the use of money), but the giant pays you a low wage (to deprive you of the ability to afford a certain amount) and forces you to work long hard hours in the areas that will benefit it the most, just to distract you from seeking autonomy for yourselves.
Am I really to believe that you are too fearful or too ignorant to become a collective to see yourself past this big bad ass giant?
Team corporate giant or team collective for autonomy?
Lets Go!
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