Are you not tired of this nonsense about hiring our own just to be giving us jobs? For the past 70 years now the black community has been talking about how they have been disenfranchised and discriminated against. As a result, the most common solution presented has been to give black people a job, or purchase black, hire black and deposit in black banks. This solution became so popular that the government presented AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.
We don’t need money or jobs and nor do we need a barter system. We don’t realize this because everything we need comes from people who collaborate to make sure we can’t access resources without abiding to the social constructs they have in place. The black community in all its organizations combined have never been able to come together to get out from under the social constructs that obviously serve to retain a labor force.
We NEVER needed today’s social construct as motivation to create industry and sustain quality for ourselves. Our oppressors clearly fear not being able to get us to build or work to sustain a high quality way of living if we were only living amongst one another as a free people. So they chose a social construct that would threaten to deprive our access to resources. So if there are a hundred people working at a peach factory; you keep them from coming together to distribute peaches to the entire community by offering them a paycheck. We are then told we can use the MONEY to access any resource we need under the network controlled by our oppressor.
We need community owned industries. When will we be interested in taking on the POSITION to share resources with one another? Our solution IS TO GET FREE by NETWORKING WITH EACH OTHER towards covering the cost to establish hubs where we access resources (services and assets) for free. As we secure these positions we must be ready to work for free. This is how we become autonomous people.
Since we share life on this planet, it is technically already a naturally closed economy. Our refusal to SHARE resources due to social status, religious, political, and gender differences has got to come to an end.
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