It doesn’t have to be this way. Poverty is a position planned for through the use of money. Once this plan ‘of the use of money’ is in affect, poverty can then be realized. It was known that people would be without money.
Those without money, were literally under attack economically. Same as today. Those without the ability to consider that they were meant to be without access to money and without the knowledge to find ways to receive a lot of money, would simply struggle and starve economically which is the purpose of the attack that I am referring to as THE USE OF MONEY.
Poverty is a plan. This term only addresses a technique that is used against people. Poor living conditions and low waged employment is not poverty when we view it from the minds of those who can THINK OF BETTER TERMS for words that should describe A STATE OF LIVING. What words would you use to describe “the state of living” for a family that has just undergone an attack designed to DEPRIVE them if they did not choose to perform certain work that is needed in their area?
Poverty is a plan, mostly used to force some kind of labor selection in order to grant you access to a small amount of money. The plan is designed to restrict and delay access to resources if a labor selection is not made.
Just like the game of music chairs, someone will be without. The plan that should appropriately be known as “poverty” is meant to affect a population. If we examine the reality behind the reason anyone would want to apply such a strategy on a targeted population, we might find that it could mean that they see these people as sacrificial or expendable.
I could go on and on, but the monetary system’s rulers and generators know they need deniability if major populations accuse the system of such global atrocities.
This means that they have to put a knowledgeable effort in overseeing processes that keep money from certain populations without you perceiving an attack.
For that to happen, the concept of employment (sweatshop) or jobs is used just to get some money in your hands.
If they did not care about being able to deny accusations of applying economic atrocities on the people, then they would be able to completely do what they really want to do, which is force you to work and keep you deprived of economic necessities and qualities of living that they themselves seek to enjoy.
Exactly that.