Money = a weapon that can only be used by the efforts of an organized body (or network) to attack a person via targeting a population of people. The nature or intent of the weapon is to DELAY a population’s control in the managing of the planet’s resources. Businesses are set up in fleets (referred to as corporations) after establishing platforms (factories, refineries, recycling plants/companies) that harvest from the soil, produce and distribute in order to be able to pacify a situation where the VALUE or BLOODLINE (resources) of life is actually being invaded.
Bartering was just a tool used to bring the mindset of a population around to the ways of money. Barter was NEVER meant to stand alone because it is difficult to mentally remove the value of sharing (natural distribution) just to place it on “resource objects” instead of the quality of life that each community would receive due to an open distribution (sharing). Families share with one another, they do not trade with one another. Once the context for TRADE (in the sense that you need to give me something of equal value if you want what I have to offer) in it’s negative form took on momentum, money (which is what barter is via attitude) took on its next stage of development and became the medium of barter/trade.
The solutions that I teach about has to do with establishing one body within the millions of people who are aware of this attack. If we are not willing to simply drop money and leave it alone, then we have to go through a transitioning period where we use money in order to get away from using money. We will need to build communities to take care of those who became willing sacrifices in our plans to transfer the money we need to build our own. In the world of money, not everyone will have it. That is how it is designed, on the left side is those who are rich and those who have and on the right side are those who barely have and those who do not have at all. Thus I teach about the true nature of the pyramid scheme all the way down to the word “scheme.”
A digital black dollar or fund collecting as a community would stop only certain families having all. We all can survive together and wouldn’t be dependant on just a few. Everyone does their share in the collecting so it works for everyone and not just a few.
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