Demons are spiritual. It’s nothing more than the use of extrasensory perception. It doesn’t mean that you will have the necessary awareness to clearly be benevolent. Benevolence is a matter of having a particular kind of wisdom.
Living life helps you develop certain perceptions, especially if you’re pressured by instabilities enough to acutely think of ways to eradicate it. This thinking process is how wisdom develops regarding the matter. Try not to ignore the pieces that dangle right in front of your face. When you find yourself preferring a life shared by people who would rather assist one another without dangling the threat of deprivation over each other’s head, then you have found a people who have tapped into BENEVOLENCE. Since perception can be regarded as a SENSE, then the question is valid – HOW SPIRITUAL ARE YOU IF YOU DON’T WANT TO BE FREE?
Most spiritual folk (ESP) never reach a level of benevolence.
You need a collective concern to be free of economic enslavement to reach that level.
The collective must have awareness of the social settings that cause folks to contribute to the perpetuation of the imbalance towards accessing resources or necessities, in order to establish the spiritual level of benevolence.
How spiritual are you if you don’t want to put an end to the imbalance?
Watch for these people who attempt to IMPRESS you by telling you about their extrasensory abilities. Time is running out and it’s past time we address a people’s ability to talk to God or telepathically communicate with others. You may not have come across people who can read your mind, touch you and know the entire events of your life, walk the hell and heavens and every dimension in between in a dream, but they are out there. They can talk to plants, heal you of any disease and even open your third eye so you can be just like them and all the while NEVER mention to you how the world you’re currently in enslaves you. The atmosphere here is so thick with deceit that you can NEVER discover this on your own. Someone has to tell you. And some people will struggle to see the reality of their enslavement even after they have been lifted to greater levels of spirituality and granted greater access to things they want or need.
If you have already connected with a part of yourself that knows you need to be FREE on a greater level than you THINK you are right now, then you should make a move to join the family of the beneficent.
When people talk about the responsibilities that others have it comes from an ethical perspective. Usually when the purpose for certain disciplines aren’t clear enough, people put moral principles aside and neglect doing things that would be better for themselves and everyone else. This is why people liter instead of putting trash in appropriate places. You won’t see this in paradise.
So basically we don’t do anything that nature does not compel us to do. The mix-up that keeps us from overstanding this is that too many of us think nature is referred to as the wilderness found in the wild forest and the first thing people are compelled to do when they find themselves there. But nature is wherever we are; and based on how we conduct ourselves among one another, we then actually write the script for what will be natural among us.
If we write our script out of ignorance and never seek to evolve, then the foundation of our lives will be based on ignorance.
We have come to prefer Sound, Right, Reasoning, which will open our minds to prefer FREEDOM and advance ways of living.
As nature would have it, people only wake up when it is NATURAL for them to do so. It will not be natural for people to wake up if the message for them to wake up is not there. And this is why we need to be the messengers. People are sooner or later compelled to wake up when the message is around them.
When people see these messages and do not share them, it is because they actually do not see the messages yet due to the power of ignorance that is constant in their lives.