1. Assemble Under An Email List 8 Million Strong To Establish A Funding Force Among Yourselves.
2. We each give two dollars to compensate those who helped us rapidly assemble 8 million strong.
3. Place the first few initial services among us that we will be able to access without the use of money.
4. Contract with day traders to trade on million dollar accounts as a source that will add to our funding force.
1. Divide and conquer tactics.
2. Lame excuses for not getting on the email list (Don’t waste time with those people)
This is not a “For Profit” venture for any of us (with exception to those who can network to help acquire millions of people on the email list) because our aim is to establish a chess move on the world economic scene where we will no longer be denied access to professional services and well needed materials simply because we can not afford them.