Knock, Knock!
Whose there?
This is one of the GREATEST opportunities we will have to look back with ideas on what we could have done. Even when we were made to work for pennies, we had an opportunity to form as a collective.
Some of us walk around with our chest out, shoulders up and heads held high, while our true head is buried. Our minds are conformed and our hearts are seduced and sincerity laced with stockholm syndrome. Honor, loyalty and love for ourselves is limited right?
Would you like some solutions? Well know this, an enemy whose power rest in economics can be starved of its control – BUT YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP AND BECOME A COLLECTIVE TO DO IT.
1. Don’t Let The Enemy Paid You! Let The Collective Pay You!
2. Every Job People Receive From The Collective, Is A Service That People Can Provide For Free.
I know I can write a lot, so I will stop right here so you can think about #1 and #2.
If we do this enough and the world starts to catch on, we will have a real paradise. Not a world that stays under the monetary system (use of money) either, I’m talk about a world where people finally realize that POSITIONS associated with resources is more valuable then “positions” for earning money.
Help people get some more people in this group. The kind of EYES we have now and the kind of vision we have now, we will save ourselves!