I couldn’t get in here to tell you what’s really going on if it wasn’t time for what yall refer to as, “the devil’s rule” to be up. We are talking about A MENTALITY that reigns among humanity when it comes to the way they do things; okay????

What you are doing right now (using money) doesn’t make any sense and there is difficulty in trying to get you to see this because you are under the influence of a duplicitous social construct.

People use money all over the world right?Due to the gregariousness inherit in human social livelihood, you should try and put some effort in NOT BELIEVING what you see taking place everyday (people using money). It is illogical behavior.

There is no SOUND REASON for you as a people to withhold any service or resource from yourselves; especially since you are the ones making these things ready and available to yourselves! The only PASS you should be observing in order to grant yourselves access to these things are passes that warrant credit to people acknowledging trust and skills to store, protect and manage projects and resources.

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  1. Pingback: Collective Funding Awakening – Black Tax

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