If you have sent your peace, love and healing energy and wishes out today for others to receive it, don’t forget to get on the BlackTax Agency email list. Pretending to be about that life only feeds the state of confusion and denial in our lives.
Yup, it really happened to us; we took the whooping of our lives for generations and the proof is shown in how we still experience marginalization, disenfranchisement, discrimination and economic exclusion. The instabilities that we face certainly serves as a threat in an attempt to force us to work jobs where the wages are so low that we live in debt (finagling bill payments) with bad credit biting at our heels while we are exhausted in our juggle for minimum access to basic necessities.
This right here, is where we aim to change things. The most powerful thing about our movement is that even if any of us are earning two dollars an hour, we can still establish a system for ourselves that will change the tide over the next few generations. I want you to know that we can change the tides of economic exclusion. The black community is rich in groups, social clubs, fraternities, sororities, cooperatives, temples, churches, entrepreneurs and nonprofits. The BlackTax Agency is not here to compare and compete. We are here to facilitate unity and leverage a cohesive foundation to gain access to services and materials from all over the world. We will make these things ready and available to ourselves through our communities in such a way that low paying wages will have no effect on us.
Our plans for the next few generations is to make sure that even if you have no money, you will still have access to quality food, residential facilities, transportation, medical assistance and mentors who were born to be by your side as you dissolve bad habits, addictions and improve on emotional self control.
Who is the chief dog and running everything? No One! We are eight million people who finally realize we can pay the cost to have no boss. We are going to pay for the consultants, counselors, experts and professionals who will protect our interest.
As the founder I am just a visionary. The black community has a lot of concerns when it comes to a project like this. Therefore we might as well be ready to spend money on professionals for risk assessment so that we will know what our risks are in terms of disappointment, theft or sabotage. We will have statement analysts, internal and external audits, account reconciliation, document examination, IT controls and management reviews in place to prevent corporate theft. The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners are excellent people to consult with regarding the detection and prevention of anyone who thinks they are going to be able to just run off with the money or commit one of the six different types of embezzlement. Plus they can be of great assistance with helping us select insurance coverage for corporate theft or embezzlement.
I know that the BlackTax Agency is not going to make me rich financially. Since the BlackTax Agency’s dominant trait will be charity, we will need it to be rich itself. Eight million of us will fund some of our projects, which will include covering the cost for investors to make money on our behalf and covering the cost to bring in professional fundraisers.