I know folks will think that I am exaggerating when I say that this economy we live in today under a monetary system is the great depression. Black Tuesday and its domino effect was a terrorist attack. You can call it a money bomb. My research showed that a lot of stock was being bought up during that time by the Rockefeller family and William Durant (the General Motors guy) along with others (bankers) and made it look like they did not benefit when they actually did. The CEO of the Federal reserve blames it on their own system as it tried to shorten the money supply, referred to as a Contractionary Monetary Policy. The same monetary policy that is suppose to prevent inflation. The message is that they needed and still need to put more money into the system, when all the while what they really want to do is filter the money to their families and organizations. Yes, that means plenty of populations will not get to see this money. Meanwhile resources are bought in order to build car companies. They currently do this every year.
You know how people be like, “BUY BLACK!!!” as if that actually ‘IS’ a solution? Those folks will NEVER see the significance in this post.
Buying Black is THE DUMBEST, most IGNORANT, super COUNTER PRODUCTIVE effort to achieve a self sufficient community there ever was.
The whole buy black campaign is designed in favor of an oppressor who conquers through a monetary system. The person next to you talking about “BUY BLACK!” is an agent.
What you do is build a community for your doctors, repairmen, engineers, teachers, service providers and scientists so that they will not have to experience the COST-OF-LIVING and you can benefit from their talents as a community for free.
Dr. Claude Anderson like to talk about how the black dollar needs to bounce more in the black community, but what really needs to be realized in reference to this is that money that bounces in a single community several times, is equivalent to a community that never used money at all. This is why he stresses being the factory owners and producers of everything we use. Because you wouldn’t have to play the money game any more.
If I chose to support a black business, it would be one that provides a free service to the community. WAKE THE HELL UP my peoples.
MONEY = The Global Persuasion to Neglect Self & Community Quality
MONETARY SYSTEMS = Non-sharing, Boycotting Conduct (trading)
An excellent game plan would start on the opposite side of a loosing end. Any plan that does not include leaving money alone merely reserves all of its activities to reside on the loosing end.
In a monetary society people Nubian, Caucasian, Chinese, and everyone else has been thrown under the bus, but when you push BLACK ECONOMICS Nubians get thrown under the bus again!
1. Nubians don’t own companies that print money. They could bounce money in their so called community a thousand times and never be free from the threat of a monetary system. The monetary system persuades people to neglect themselves and the only defense against this is to discuss with WORKERS how they must be prepared to return to the type work that keeps the community running (without getting paid) in case a campaign starts to eliminate the value of the dollar the same way it took place with the greenbacks in order to boycott those who owned greenbacks.
Lots of freed slaves owned greenbacks who quickly learn about the Caucasian Farm Alliance who would not allow Nubians to join. The greenbacks allowed Nubians access to resources in which it was quickly realized that they would establish communes where the COST OF LIVING was eliminated. The only thing left to do to keep this from happening was to eliminate the value of the greenback.
Your goal should be to establish self sustaining communities that are free of the COST OF LIVING.
Economics under a monetary system is a plague. Black economics is merely a branch of that plague. The foundation of this plague is the mentality of man. We want to play powernomics instead of curing the man. Right now some people must be in poverty in order for others to live well; is this what we want? What is the point in having a cost on education? Capitalism is capitalism no matter what race is practicing it. Black economics is capitalism. Is more capitalism really the solution?
I believe a community can do a digital BLACK dollar to survive, which still comes down to bartering. We put into the fund as a collective and it pays for all. The thing with this is what happens if people dont put into the fund? A community would go broke, so we must be serious about fund collecting period.