Our more witty brothas and sistas are now explaining to us how according to US Code basic necessities are free to consumers, but since we don’t know the law, the stores in society are double dippin’. Now we are being told that we have to operate in a trust or as a church to access the benefits that we are not receiving due to the complicity of a government that is not steadfast or tenacious in honoring ways to make this more than accessible public knowledge. We have to receive it in the corners of social media platforms from people who are studying and trying to figure it out.
Now there appears to be a surge of new desires in the black community to learn to benefit in a world constructed for commercial purposes as a way to contract with sovereigns. The world of credit and commerce has a clandestine society holding knowledge of applying methods that relieve them of the need to use money in order to access basic necessities or consumer stables. People have authored books leaking this kind of information which was never intended for public access. The public is a population of people who are sought to be enslaved.
The homestead act of 1862 is a good example of a plot to harness a network of European people who will unknowingly or indirectly play a role in controlling how people access goods and services. This is during a time when black people are about to be free as slaves amid a civil war. Chattel slavery was NEVER the real slavery. Enslaving people means FORCING them to work and it’s an ancient MALEVOLENT art applied by African nations against albinos who returned to be among them after having been sent to the Caucasus mountains. Over the years an uprising and revolution took place where Europeans flipped the script and applied the same system upon the world. Today you are FORCED to work through extortion or the threat of being deprived access to basic necessities unless you have money. Forced Labor is slavery.
Under commerce you are given contractual relationships through the offering of identification, nationality, birth certificates, a social security number, passports, and other things constructed for you to receive benefits through a diabolical matrix of control over your access to resources. Prior to this there was culture which came from an unenslaved people. There is no more culture on the planet aside that of slave culture.
Form as a massive collective and cover the cost to remove your people from the occupations designed to keep them busy perpetuating the availability of goods and services for money. Hire them to provide professional services and materials free to the people they assist. You will use this model for as long as you can to place your people back into having a relationship with the resources of the planet, in preparation to get away from the use of money. Until that day comes where you are free of the need to use money, you can apply a method of spending a small amount of money as a collective to eliminate a general inability to afford well needed services and materials. This would place you on top of an economic hill and closer to being sovereign to the art of enslavement.
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